Monday, November 14, 2011

Remember, Remember the 5th of November

  Guy Fawkes Day commemorates the foiled plot and subsequent capture of rogue conspirators attempting to blow the the Protestant King James and the English Parliament sky-high with kegs of gunpowder in 1605.  Alas, poor Guy was discovered before the fuse could be lit, and finally exposed the identities of his co-conspirators after some days of great unpleasantness in the Tower of London.
   Fran and Pete put on a fantastic bash to toast the 405th anniversary of King James' survival that day.  Only one tribute would do; we launched miniature burning, hot-air balloons (instead of Parliament) sky-high into the night.  Fairbanks never seems windy; on this calm night the sky lanterns floated up a few hundred feet, hit the temperature inversion, and gently drifted away across the valley and Goldstream Creek.  We couldn't see where they eventually came down - a biodegradable burnt offering to the spirits of the winter night. 
Meanwhile, the bonfire continued to rage, as offerings and sacrifices were thrown in, and the pumpkin soup, mulled wine, cocoa and cheese kept coming.  Still not sure how many pumpkins it takes for 15 gallons of pumpkin soup . . .

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